感谢你对德克萨斯大学体育学院的工作感兴趣&M University-Commerce. 自1889年以来,A&移动商务教育了德州和其他地方的人们.




在申请过程中 “我的经验" page has a section提供"附件,如简历、推荐信、求职信等.,上载所需文件.

  • 使用Upload按钮添加每个文档.
  • 您最多可以上传5个文档. 请注意,任何一个文档允许的最大大小都是5MB.
  • 所有文件必须以电子方式通过德州大学提交&M在线就业服务网站将被考虑.
  • Incomplete or improperly submitted applications may be excluded from consideration.


  • 求职信
  • 简历/简历
  • 三份专业推荐信和完整的联系方式 (不请自来的推荐信将不予考虑).
  • 成绩单(非正式)将与申请一起接受. 口头录取时需提供正式成绩单).

请注意:如果成绩单来自国际机构, it is the responsibility of the prospective faculty member to have the transcripts translated and evaluated by an approved credential evaluator.

Please do not withdraw your application in an attempt to upload a missing document. If you need assistance with this or any other matter, please contact us at (电子邮件保护).

During the application process you have one opportunity to upload documents as a combined PDF. 页面 “我的经验在“简历/简历”下提供了一个区域,可以删除或上传文件.


  • 求职信
  • 简历/简历
  • 三份专业推荐信和完整的联系方式 (不请自来的推荐信将不予考虑).
  • Transcripts – If required for the position (Unofficial will be accepted with application. 口头录取时需提供正式成绩单).

所有文件必须以电子方式通过德州大学提交&M在线就业服务网站将被考虑. Incomplete or improperly submitted applications may be excluded from consideration.

您将通过SSO登录访问工作日. 按照以下步骤查看和申请任何空缺职位:

  • 登录 工作日 在SSO菜单上
  • 选择 职业生涯 worklet
  • Select 找工作-内部职业网站

The Internal 职业生涯 Site will reflect current open positions for your review/application.

For internal applicants to submit a complete application the Professional Profile (education, 工作经历, and other professional information) must be updated through the 职业生涯 Worklet in your current 工作日 profile.

If you need assistance in applying for any job opportunity, please contact us at 人力资源招聘 or 903-886-5080.



A&移动商务是Texas a的骄傲成员&M大学系统. 位于达拉斯东部&移动商务 offers 130 affordable degree programs and serves 11,624 students. 这所大学通过其“教育”的使命来改变人们的生活. 发现. 实现.”

Students work with world-class professors who dedicate themselves to excellence in teaching and research. The university maintains strong relationships with local industries to create relevant academic programs and valuable internship and networking opportunities that prepare career-ready graduates.


作为a的一员&System family of universities&移动商务将:

  • Become the university of choice for all who seek higher education in the Northeast Texas region and beyond.
  • Provide traditional and non-traditional learning opportunities through new and existing programs that set high expectations and goals for students, 教职员工.
  • Offer a sense of community through a nurturing environment for all individuals to maximize learning, 职业和个人发展.
  • Become a place where students, faculty, staff and community are engaged in the pursuit of excellence.




  • Provide a transformative and experiential education that develops relevant, marketable skills.
  • 追求创新的教学方法和吸引人的学习环境.
  • 与外部合作伙伴合作,提高学生的就业准备.



  • 为研究和创造性活动建立基础设施.
  • Gain distinction as a high research activity institution by identifying and advancing targeted research initiatives.
  • 鼓励跨学科合作.



  • 作为德克萨斯州东北部教育机会的中心.
  • Leverage the university’s assets for the economic, cultural and social benefit of the region.
  • 培养和加强满足区域需求的伙伴关系.

Transform our operations to serve the mission of a contemporary university


  • Increase organizational effectiveness by developing sound business practices that are intentional, 协作和数据知情.
  • Varied sources of funding and allocate resources strategically to promote innovation and effectiveness.
  • Invest in student recruitment, retention, graduation and continued engagement.



  • Enhance civility and collegiality of administrators, faculty, staff and students.
  • 招聘,发展和留住学生,教师,员工和管理人员.
  • 为校园内有意义的互动创造机会.
Dr. 鲁丁微笑.

马克·J. 鲁丁

作为一名具有创新和研究热情的进步领袖. 鲁丁正在用他的经验和专业知识来发展A&成为移动商务领域领先的教学和研究机构. 他坚信创新是转型的关键, and he encourages his colleagues to think outside the traditional “box” of higher education to find creative solutions to every challenge. 带着这种心态,他正在帮助移动A&移动商务 to the forefront of secondary education in Dallas-Fort Worth and the surrounding areas.

Students outside the Rayburn Student Center waving multiple distinct national flags.



  • A&移动商务加入了A&1996年的M系统.
  • A&移动商务大学是美国第三大大学&M系统(包括11所大学).



  • 师生比例:20:1
  • 班级人数中位数:24人
  • 学位课程:130+


  • A&移动商务是能力教育的领导者. It is the nation's first accredited institution to offer a competency-based bachelor's degree in criminal justice.
  • The university's College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources is a national stand-out, featuring one of the only programs where students grow experimental crops on the university's 1,300英亩的农场.
  • A&移动商务 maintains a 130-year legacy as an exceptional teachers' college, 2019年有400多名认证教育工作者毕业.
  • In 2020, 这所大学开设了113号,470平方英尺的护理和健康科学大楼, 拥有最先进的模拟医院. The facility will help address the dire shortage of healthcare professionals in Texas.
  • The music department is highly sought by aspiring musicians and music educators. 2021年,A&移动商务 received the All-Steinway School designation, bestowed by the prestigious Steinway & 儿子钢琴公司. The university is also the world's first institution to receive a Spirio 技术 designation.


  • The 狮子 体育运动 program is an NCAA Division I powerhouse, excelling in 14 sports.
  • The university's student life experience includes a thriving Greek system and more than 140 student clubs and organizations.


  • 主校区位于商业城,占地2,094英亩.
  • Distance education offerings are located in Corsicana, Dallas,McKinney, Mesquite, Bryan and online.
  • 达拉斯工厂搬迁将于2021年11月1日生效.


  • 学生性别分布:37.66%为男性,62岁.34%的女性
  • 学生来自170个县,39个州,59个国家
  • 第一代本科生:42%
  • 学生退伍军人或现役军人:5人.8%
  • 住在校外的学生:70%
  • 住在学院所有、经营或附属住房的学生:30%
  • A的种族性&2019年秋季移动商务学生:
    • 43.72%的白人
    • 20.85%的西班牙裔
    • 18.98%是黑人
    • 6.11%的
    • 5.58%的国际
    • 2.56%的亚洲
    • 1.63%的未知
    • 0.46%的美国印第安人或阿拉斯加原住民
    • 0.12%夏威夷原住民或其他太平洋岛民


  • 本科在校生8062人
  • 研究生在校生3562人
  • 总入学人数:11,624人


皇冠体育365赌博&M University-Commerce makes every effort to meet all requirements of the Clery行为. 皇冠体育365赌博&M University - Commerce(工商管理)&移动商务)大学道德与合规办公室, 与大学警察局(UPD)合作, is responsible for compiling and publishing the Annual Security Report by October 1st each year.



The city of Commerce is located in Northeast Texas, about 60 miles northeast of Dallas. With a population of 9,293, Commerce is a close-knit community of involved citizens. The city's historic downtown features family-owned boutiques, a coffee shop and eateries.




  • P.O. 3011箱
  • 商务,德克萨斯州75429-3011